Have you ever paid attention to the way you feel when you walk into a space where things are disorganized and clutter abounds? Maybe you feel this way in certain areas of your home. Clutter can make us feel depressed, paralyzed, discouraged, and confused. The good news is, there’s a way to deal with it.

Announcing an Interactive Workshop

This spring, I have teamed up with Susana Crispin of My Way Wellness to do an in-person, interactive workshop on how to address the clutter in our lives and in our homes.

Susana is an Integrative Wellness Professional and National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach.  She is passionate about helping people become their best selves, as she has over 13 years of experience in the Human Development and Integrative Wellness fields.

Ready to get free? Here are the details.

The Workshop is FREE, but Space is Limited

Please reserve your spot here.

We look forward to meeting you!