WOW! What a crazy time we are in! Most of us have been turned upside down and we are still struggling to remember which day it is. There is one thing I think most of us agree on: Pajama pants are very comfy. These are my current fave

I have seen posts all over social media with people going through their homes – purging and organizing. Even before the first day of the stay-at-home order, closets were being ripped through. It’s a wonderful thing!

For fairly obvious reasons, business for me has come to a sudden halt. The year started off BOOMING and suddenly has come to a crawl, like with every small business owner. I’m still offering virtual services- I’ve done staging consults, organizing consults, and am working on a design/styling project with a client as well. In the extra time I have right now, I’ve been striving to find a way to help others by using the gifts that I have. Through my Facebook page and now resurrected YouTube channel, I am coming alongside your efforts to get your home in the best organized shape possible. Subscribe to my channel and make sure you are following my Facebook page. I will provide fresh content daily and am asking for feedback on topics that subscribers would like to see covered.

Here are 5 tips to keep you sane during this time, which I covered in my most recent YouTube video. I will post the link at the bottom for you to view if you have not yet.

1- Make your bed EVERY DAY. You should do this anyway. But especially during this time. Making your bed gives you one easy thing that you can control and be successful at. It communicates this confidence with your brain not only when you make it, but every time you walk into your bedroom throughout the day you are reminded that you are a successful human being.


2- Clean up your kitchen NIGHTLY. We do ours immediately following dinner. Everyone participates. We’ve been involving the kids since the youngest was 4 years old. Generally, the “cook” is excused, but being that I’m the exclusive cook I sometimes opt to pitch in as well if we have an activity we’d like to do after. All dishes should be washed, dried, and put away. Countertops should be wiped clean and clutter removed. The floor should be swept. If you are one that likes to leave the dishes for the morning ( or even leave them out to dry until morning), I encourage you to try it. Try it one night and see how you feel when you walk into your kitchen the following morning. There’s a huge psychological component to it – as there is to organizing in general. Psychology is what I studied in college and I do not know how I would do my job without truly understanding people 😉



3- Establish a “home” for all the distance-learning items. We are working on this in our home. I will be sharing a tutorial soon on this very topic, with special attention to those that have challenging set-ups/lack of space in the home. DO NOT leave all your educational items sitting around the living room, kitchen, kids’ bedrooms… Our kids are going through a challenging time already, and separating school time from “at home” time is very important for them.

distance learning


4- Create a “no compromise” zone in your house. This is a space that will look the same all the time. In it’s best condition. It’s a finished space when it comes to organizing AND decorating. Do not allow any clutter to build up in this space EVER. Ours is our bedroom. It’s the one place that we can go that communicates to our brains that all is well. Even if the kids’ rooms look like a war-zone.



5- Start thinking creatively about how to re-purpose organizing tools that you already have. You do not have to order tons of containers online, or go out and do unnecessary shopping. There are many things right under your nose that can be used for organization. Take extra Tupperware for one. Use large pieces to organize items in your kitchen cabinets, bathroom cabinets, or even drawers. Let’s talk about old socks. Did you know that socks are a great way to house the cords on your hair dryer and other styling tools? Here’s a blog post I wrote specifically about that one. You have time. Get creative, and share with the rest of us so that we can implement your ideas in our homes!


Egg carton for jewelry storage? Yes Please!


All of us can help by using our gifts and resources, and thinking about what we have that will benefit others. I hope that through my knowledge and years of experience I can help you reclaim peace in your home through this turbulent time. Feel free to reach out with specifics I can address online, or if you feel you need a video session.

Blessings to you and your loved ones,
