Kitchen Organizing Overhaul
Considering that the main function of a kitchen is to be the food hub of the home, our kitchens should be filled with drawers full of shiny cooking utensils, cabinets stocked neatly with pots and pans, and the aroma of fresh cut herbs. The ultimate center of culinary goodness. But that’s not real life, well unless you ONLY use your kitchen for cooking.
The truth is, most of our kitchens need to serve a purpose far beyond our growling stomachs. Why do so many struggle with piles on the counter tops? Piles of mail, piles of school work, piles of work brought home from the office, piles of “stuff” snagged from the toddler… Its because for most of us, our kitchens are the center of family activity. If yours is overrun by piles, it is possible it can fully function as you need it to, IF you implement the right strategy.
That’s what I recently helped a client with.
Here’s where we started:
As you can see, piles were an issue in this kitchen. There were also too many appliances taking up counter space. And a lot of things needing a “home” that was not the counter. That is where the piles come from: homeless items. The most simple organizing advice that yields big results: Designate a “home” for everything in your home, and train yourself to put it back where goes.
The main problem area in the kitchen was a stretch of counter space that was intended to serve the purpose of a command center. Incoming mail, school papers, work papers, family reminders and appointments, you name it. Very essential, and the kitchen was the perfect spot for this. However, we needed to implement a new strategy so the countertops could be available to be used for what they are there for.
We decided to utilize the cabinets above to create a “Kitchen Command Center.” Something that would hold all of this in an organized manner.
As you can see, the cabinet above needed to be sorted through to create space for this, but judging by what was being stored in all the cabinets, I knew we could make it work.
So after going through EVERY cabinet in the kitchen, purging and reorganizing…. things turned out like this:
As for the Command Center, you can see the difference it makes in the kitchen here:
She paired down on cups, dishes, cookingware, pretty much everything! We went through drawers too; she couldn’t believe all the “junk” taking up space that had been for years! She made quick decisions and was very easily able to part with things that weren’t serving a purpose. Now her family can enjoy a clutter-free kitchen that has everything they need.
Don’t let clutter steal your culinary creativity in the kitchen. Do you need a kitchen organizing overhaul?
MelissaGet Organized. Simply Live.